Author: Pavel Helstyn

Mary is working on our Instagram learning project. As part of the project, she collects information on how IG works. This week how difficult it is getting new followers by promoting content on Instagram. In a test, $5 was spent to promote viral content. The original post had 38.940 views. After the promotion, the post got only 656 views and 79 new followers. Interesting. More info in...

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Rental business essential news 1 we’re working on design of new reports to provide information about the company operation. To be released next week for review preparing a white paper about customer satisfaction in car rental business. Currently in the design phase. working on improving our calendar plugin with one of our clients our Instagram account reached 2000 followers this week which shows much improved...

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Our rental booking story is the backbone of everything else we’d done. It is what enabled our business and brought us clients. A lot of mini-stories went on in the background. Most of them revolve around the key competencies that we’d already mentioned above. Let’s take a look at some of the other key stories.   The First Challenges   About a year into our business, a client approached...

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Project Start   It all started when we were trying to set up our own car rental company. It did not go down too well, but something good came out of it. We noticed that a good, easy to use booking program was missing. Something that start-up and small rental companies could use to put up their website with online booking quickly and without the need to...

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Having worked with rental clients in over 60 countries and speaking with them, we have discovered that one of the biggest hurdles in accessing the market is marketing and related technology costs.   At Rencato, we believe it is our purpose to bring people closer together and provide them with opportunity. That is how we design products.   We focus our initiatives this way. In liaison with our purpose,...

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