
  • Changes to Come, our Instagram Update and How to Work with your Payment Gateway

    Changes to Come, our Instagram Update and How to Work with your Payment Gateway

    Social media update   80% of users follow at least one business on the app. Over 120 million Instagram users visited a website, got directions, called a business, emailed or direct messaged a business. And at least 30% of Instagram users have purchased a product they first discovered on Instagram.   This week…

  • How to have your Rental plugin in Spanish, viral post and New Improvements

    How to have your Rental plugin in Spanish, viral post and New Improvements

    Social Media update We continue testing our instagram account @Here_guadalajara. Last two week stats: 700 new followers, broke the 4k followers barrier. On top of that, a post got viral this week which boosted our exposure. 21k accounts reached, 1k likes for that one post, about 90k impressions, 2363 profile visits. Some tips from…

  • Ecalypse Rental Plugin 2K! New Instagram Update and more…

    Ecalypse Rental Plugin 2K! New Instagram Update and more…

    Instagram tips by Mary: The research of this week shows that using power likes is a good method to reach more accounts and get awareness to the page, increasing the engagement in the account,and potentially getting more followers. This youtuber used power likes and in 2 hours got 35k in reach, 21 follows and…

  • Instagram 3K!, White Paper Release and the Tip of the Week.

    Instagram 3K!, White Paper Release and the Tip of the Week.

    Instagram update As we keep researching the use of Instagram, here is some food for thought: Instagram is has over a billion users and about 500 million monthly active users that spend 4 hours a day on social media instagram being one of the top. How powerful of a marketing channel is this potentially?…

  • Instagram Adventures, LatAm Progress and White Paper

    Instagram Adventures, LatAm Progress and White Paper

    We continue our Instagram adventure. In the last week, we gained 200 new organic followers. At this rate, the follower count should reach 3000 by Wednesday.   Interesting information also keeps coming from our continuous research. The research this week shows that instagram stories and instagram stories ads are more engaging and can get…

  • Cost of Instragram, White Paper Design & more

    Cost of Instragram, White Paper Design & more

    Mary is working on our Instagram learning project. As part of the project, she collects information on how IG works. This week how difficult it is getting new followers by promoting content on Instagram. In a test, $5 was spent to promote viral content. The original post had 38.940 views. After the promotion, the post got…

  • Rental Business News 1

    Rental Business News 1

    Rental business essential news 1 we’re working on design of new reports to provide information about the company operation. To be released next week for review preparing a white paper about customer satisfaction in car rental business. Currently in the design phase. working on improving our calendar plugin with one of our clients our…