Rental System Development and Launch

Project Start


It all started when we were trying to set up our own car rental company. It did not go down too well, but something good came out of it. We noticed that a good, easy to use booking program was missing. Something that start-up and small rental companies could use to put up their website with online booking quickly and without the need to program. So, we set out to create it ourselves.


We started writing an SEO optimized blog @ This blog quickly started getting some traction and we got into the conversation with a bunch of interested car rental owners. This was a signal for us to step up our programming efforts.




The initial IT specifications for the program were 3 pages naming the most important functions. As we moved along this grew to around 20-30 pages. This proved to be useful as this is something that we’d used many times over working for our clients.


Of course, in the beginning, the company was just one guy- Pavel who wrote the blog as well as the specs, drawing on his experience as an IT-business consultant. With no programming knowledge, he set out find programming people to get the job done.


It actually took 4 programmers and programming teams to get the thing done. And a few thousand dollars lost in the process. Talking about paid education. No such thing as free education, I guess. Finally, we released the software. As soon as we did, the last programmer bailed. A bit of risk management had to come in as we started working with Petr who’s with us until today.


Project assessment & ROI


This whole plugin has been a huge project for us. Starting on 4 pages of paper it helped us create our organization, find clients around the world, work for and visit clients in the USA, go to trade shows and establish many good (and unfortunately a few not so good) business relationships. All this making money in the process to self-fund our efforts.


Btw., the ROI of this whole project is in the range of 15x over the range of approx 2 years. Not bad.


To summarize -> we learned how to run an IT project end to end. In this particular example, here are the activities as keywords that we take as our core competencies that went into this.




IT Specification creation – Content creation and SEO optimization – Hiring IT personnel – IT development – IT project management – Product pricing and launch – Business conceptualization and development


All in all, if you need help, here is how we can use our competencies to help you


Competencies mentioned in this post


  • Business requirements consulting, IT specs writing and review
  • Content creation strategy and implementation
  • IT hiring and IT Project management and development
  • Go to market strategy and revenue model


Contact us at for more info.