Rental business essential news 1
- we’re working on design of new reports to provide information about the company operation. To be released next week for review
- preparing a white paper about customer satisfaction in car rental business. Currently in the design phase.
- working on improving our calendar plugin with one of our clients
- our Instagram account reached 2000 followers this week which shows much improved process. First 1k took 2.5 months. Second 1 month. Work in progress
- we’ve produced a tutorial video on how to set up our free starter plugin to improve the ease of use for potential clients.
- starting to test rental business essentials each week. This is week 1. The goal is to produce quick news to inform clients of what is going on in the company.
Objectives for next week
- 2 new sales consultants for the South American market are starting in the company and will start with their training
- we will further work on improving our points of contact meaning where and how we communicate with clients. Specifically during the onboarding process
- we plan to start presenting newly designed reports to clients for review
- design of new operational reports
- finalize white paper to send out to the world
- stabilize press releases as a new process to better communicate with the industry.